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Saturday, August 15, 2015

For the LIFE OF ME why can I not get patients to understand that Carafate/Sulcrafate is a melt tab meant to be dissolved in H2O. It comes ONLY in a quick dissolve tablet or a liquid. And by taking it as a tablet they actually create issues like ulceration, failure to coat esophagus, and not least of all FREAKING CHOKING!!!!! It's melted so that it coats the esophagus and then into stomach if it gets that far. And nurses that don't do annoy me because those taking it are usually elderly and have swallow issues anyway. GEESH LIOUSE

For the LIFE OF ME why can I not get patients to understand that Carafate/Sulcrafate is a melt tab meant to be dissolved in H2O. It comes ONLY in a quick dissolve tablet or a liquid. And by taking it as a tablet they actually create issues like ulceration, failure to coat esophagus, and not least of all FREAKING CHOKING!!!!! It's melted so that it coats the esophagus and then into stomach if it gets that far. And nurses that don't do annoy me because those taking it are usually elderly and have swallow issues anyway. GEESH LIOUSE
by Sandy Bell

August 15, 2015 at 05:45AM
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Alabama, United States
Middle aged mom...with thoughts on life...but honestly more questions