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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

I've had a few health issues this year. Well I always do but I've had new ones to deal with. I gained 20lbs on a new medicine Belsomra for sleep that was the only change band as is posted I was down into the 160's before that. So all the work over 3yrs gone. Even with 800 calorie diet I gained. But if Belsomra for 3 weeks and I've lost 6lbs. I'm going to announce a few next. I decided to stop taking all my medications. My heart pills. My blood pressure pills. My diabetic pills. My daily antibiotics. It's over 300$ a month most times near double. Several reasons. My doctor has planned 3 specialist consults. I've moaned about those expenses previously over 1500$ estimate so far out of pocket. I can't afford it. I have a daughter going to college and two grandkids. And I do like to actually spend some money on myself too. So in all honesty when I don't comply with that treatment plan which includes a cardiologist a stress test more mess and Neuro with mri's and more tests not to mention the sleep hormone study out of pocket. Well when I don't do that she won't want to be my doctor anymore even if it's because I can't afford it. So why wait to not have a doctor? I'll do it now. No more medicine. If I get sick I'll go to a doc in box take my chances. I've do delusions to what come next. Headaches out of control. Chest pain. Severe body pain. Muscle rigidity. Crippling joint pain. But I've learned to. Deal with a lot in my life. I can find a way to deal now. Besides the money I save on meds and copays will put my daughter through college for 3 years. I turned in my notice for full time at river city and offered to remain PRN. Whether that happens remains to be seen. But I will now be joining the USA group. It will be less pay. BUT NO OVERTIME. I'm so tired of working overtime every payday on a MANDITORY bases and still getting asked to do more on top of that. My job taught my to be compassionate and how to show it. My job helped me learn to connect with people better. I am thankful for that. But I felt the lords hand in my life opening new doors and I trust what comes next. There are people at that job I will never forget and love. I pray we continue to stay in touch. I maybe share to much on Facebook. The last year I've tired to be more reserved and private. Sometimes successful and other moments not so much. I am blessed. And hope each of you find comfort and know whether near or far I love you and I am sending you light and healing always

I've had a few health issues this year. Well I always do but I've had new ones to deal with. I gained 20lbs on a new medicine Belsomra for sleep that was the only change band as is posted I was down into the 160's before that. So all the work over 3yrs gone. Even with 800 calorie diet I gained. But if Belsomra for 3 weeks and I've lost 6lbs. I'm going to announce a few next. I decided to stop taking all my medications. My heart pills. My blood pressure pills. My diabetic pills. My daily antibiotics. It's over 300$ a month most times near double. Several reasons. My doctor has planned 3 specialist consults. I've moaned about those expenses previously over 1500$ estimate so far out of pocket. I can't afford it. I have a daughter going to college and two grandkids. And I do like to actually spend some money on myself too. So in all honesty when I don't comply with that treatment plan which includes a cardiologist a stress test more mess and Neuro with mri's and more tests not to mention the sleep hormone study out of pocket. Well when I don't do that she won't want to be my doctor anymore even if it's because I can't afford it. So why wait to not have a doctor? I'll do it now. No more medicine. If I get sick I'll go to a doc in box take my chances. I've do delusions to what come next. Headaches out of control. Chest pain. Severe body pain. Muscle rigidity. Crippling joint pain. But I've learned to. Deal with a lot in my life. I can find a way to deal now. Besides the money I save on meds and copays will put my daughter through college for 3 years. I turned in my notice for full time at river city and offered to remain PRN. Whether that happens remains to be seen. But I will now be joining the USA group. It will be less pay. BUT NO OVERTIME. I'm so tired of working overtime every payday on a MANDITORY bases and still getting asked to do more on top of that. My job taught my to be compassionate and how to show it. My job helped me learn to connect with people better. I am thankful for that. But I felt the lords hand in my life opening new doors and I trust what comes next. There are people at that job I will never forget and love. I pray we continue to stay in touch. I maybe share to much on Facebook. The last year I've tired to be more reserved and private. Sometimes successful and other moments not so much. I am blessed. And hope each of you find comfort and know whether near or far I love you and I am sending you light and healing always
by Sandy Bell

July 01, 2015 at 09:59PM
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Alabama, United States
Middle aged mom...with thoughts on life...but honestly more questions